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Tianjin Zhaoyi Jinke Technology Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Zhaoyi Jinke Technology Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Zhaoyi Jinke Technology Co., Ltd.
seed crystals
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Product description
1. Crystal Growth Process
  Basic technical process of Czochralski method is to place high-purity polycrystalline silicon blocks and trace doping agent into a quartz crucible, heat them to melt at vacuum or high-purity argon atmosphere, control an appropriate temperature and insert seed crystals into melts to make molten polycrystalline silicon solidify into monocrystalline silicone in the marshalling sequence of silicon atoms. It comprises melting, necking down, shouldering, equal diameter, and trail-in work.
  Floating zone method, one of non-crucible processes, is characterized in that it does not need crucible to hold molten silicon, but depends on surface tension of silicon under the effect of high-frequency electromagnetic field and electromagnetic force to support silicon liquid partially melting, so it is called floating zone method. The principle of floating zone and purification is achieved according to different concentrations of impurities in solid phase and liquid phase during the recrystallization of molten crystal. 
2. Processing Technique
  The typical process flow of monocrystalline silicon slice: Crop crystal rod- cut into segments-cut into squares-barreling-polish-cut-wash-inspect-package.
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